Volunteer Experience

My heart was melted by the children here! GHH’s impact is undeniable. A different way of life is offered. Students are given the opportunity to dream and learn! Children have fun in a way they maybe wouldn’t otherwise. The little ones get to play with toys, have art supplies, and the older kids play instruments, sing, and have a blast during afterschool volleyball. In every way life outside of GHH’s walls is hard for them, GHH provides an oasis of sorts. One of my favorite moments was getting to partake in breakfast with the kids before school starts. Knowing that some students only have meals during the day because GHH provides it for them, made sharing that time with them that much more meaningful. I loved getting to see every way GHH provides for teachers and students. There are so many innovative ways that the surrounding community and children and youth are given solution and resources. It felt like everyday I was blown away because I came to know a different aspect of GHH being a blessing. Another sweet memory of visiting GHH is the people. The missionaries, teachers, students and GHH’s founder. All of them carrying the image of God in a beautiful way. It was a massive joy and honor to be with GHH for a short two weeks! I made a friend at GHH that I hope to see soon someday, his name is Blaise! His mother Chantal is a teacher with GHH and their family holds a very special place in my heart. (Miranda Zarama)

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