A Christmas Miracle

A Christmas Miracle

For quite a while, we had known that our teenagers were living in terrible conditions, without
most basic comforts. We were praying that we should be able to help them in maybe a small, yet meaningful way. The thing is, the boys, just like a lot of other poor people, did not have mattresses, let alone beds. They slept on the floor with some straw, cardboard or rags spread on it, which did not really protect them from the night cold. The very thought of those conditions made our hearts ache.

We started praying for means for buying mattresses; somehow, we were sure they would come.
And – there! We got a donation of exactly the sum we needed! Praise God!

Our team went to the capital and bought mattresses and wooden planks for building beds.
Back in the village, we built the beds, feeling very happy that soon our kids would sleep comfortably!
Finally, on January 20 everything was ready, and we gave out the beds and mattresses to the kids. They were so happy that they started jumping, singing, and shouting for joy! That was such a wonderful Christmas gift!

Recently God added two more blessings onto blessing – we got an opportunity to visit Kigali with the boys! For most of them it was their firs trip to the capital of Rwanda. Everyone was very happy and thankful for it!

And they got even more christmas gifts. Someone who happened to be there in January when the beds and mattresses were given out, felt bad about the fact that the boys were still lacking blankets. And on their next visit to Rwanda they brought a blanket for each boy! Praise God for His continuing mercy!

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