New House in rutiti

  The construction of the house in Rutiti has been completed. Eight families moved into new apartments. Now they have a place to hide from the cold and dampness of the mountainous terrain. Each apartment has a separate room for boys, a separate room for girls, a bedroom for parents, a living room, a kitchen, and a shower room.
  Scrolling through the photos, you can see the houses that used to be here. The houses were built of clay and manure with an earthen floor. They lacked electricity, water, and basic household amenities. Families were forced to survive and raise their children in a harsh climate.
  Over the past few years, the local landscape has been under rapid development. Locals and visiting construction workers build houses. This creates job opportunities while simultaneously providing developed homes for families so they can move past survival mode and begin to live in a safe and comfortable environment. This year, eight more families moved into the house you see in the photo. They express their gratitude to everyone who participated in this life-changing act for them.

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